Thursday, May 5, 2016

3D Print

This is my 3D print; it's a toy chicken with extremely sharp things on his head, not sure what those are called. This is a toy but could potentially be a weapon so be careful children. It was really hard designing this online because I am not familiar with the program, but after I got the hang of it, I was fine. It is really cool that we even have 3D printers, but to say I used one is even cooler. I am happy the way it printed but I wish I didn't have to print in one color and that I made the spikes even bigger. 

New Art and Tech
I presented this to my class because I had never seen it before. Everything at this museum seem technology and art related. One that I took a lot of interest to was the crystal universe; you can change what universe you want to see with this light installation. Check it out.


First I designed my propaganda poster on the computer using Photoshop. I had fooled around with it for a while, making more than one poster. When I finally decided on the one, I went out and bought an small cutting knife and carefully carved out the sections I wanted. This was my first time making a stencil so I printed out more than one copy. I messed up a lot cutting out too much because I forgot everything needed to be attached. Once I was done I painted it onto another sheet of paper being careful to hold all the little pieces down. It was difficult because my pencil was so detailed, I had a lot of small cut outs and they wouldn't stay in place. If I had thicker paper this would have been easier. 

I made Trump into Hitler and chose the saying "fool us once, shame on you; fool us twice shame on us." This meaning that Hitler as a leader fooled a lot of people into following him, and if we fall for Trump leading us we will be fooled twice. I'm not political so do not take offense I just did some research on what other people thought of Trump. 


The advancement in robotics is crazy. Every time I see or read about robots, I think of that movie with Will Smith , IRobot. The way we are progressing with robots, I won't be surprised if they live among us like in that movie. I feel this is a good thing and a bad thing. I don't know how I would feel if I couldn't tell if someone was a robot or not. These robots, in this video, look so real and are only getting more realistic. Also robots are getting smarter, what if they do get a mind of their own and make decisions on their own, start committing crimes. Since robot can not physically feel it would be good to use them for dangerous duties in the military or police force. I think they have the potential to be helpful but it just freaks me out. Maybe I am just paranoid because of the movie.

Interactive Performance
I have seen performances with lights but not quite like this one. This really looks like the dancers are interacting with the lights. I know the section is called interaction but I feel it has to be a projection mapping or some sort of mapping technique. What ever they did to make this, is incredible; it is so interesting and beautiful to watch. They combined so many different dance styles as well. This reminds me of those clear globes with the black ball in the middle that would shoot out like and if you put your finger on the clear glass globe around it the light would be attacked to your hand. Also I found this video of floor LED lighting that when you step on it the light follows.

Blood Printer
I hate veins and getting my blood taken, I cry every time, so this video was hard to watch. The idea is neat and the final product is cool, I just think it is a waste of blood. This is definitely creative but in my mind pointless. There are so many people out there that need blood transplants and hospital are constantly looking for blood donations, but instead this guy prints a picture with his blood. He had to have used a lot of blood making this print. I am curious to how the printer works though, it would be nice to have an explanation on it. People keep creating the weirdest things.


This video honestly creeps me out, maybe it is just the sound of the music. It is crazy that this is even possible to do. I would not go to see this performance because I don't enjoy the music, but I would love for it to be one of my favorite artists that has passed away. Being able to do this is really impressive and beneficial. I'm sure a lot of people would pay good money to see Michael Jackson, Tupac, Bob Marley, etc. perform again, even if it is virtually. I would also go see another animated virtual character if it was performing a different song just because it would be so cool to see and animated figure come to life. The downfall of having animated virtual characters, is that the audience can not interact with them; they aren't real. They can't shake their hangs, give them a hug, or even get and autograph. Another idea is, if you were a performer on tour you could potentially do two tours at once, one virtually and one live. That would be an interesting thing to try out if it hasn't already been tested. 
This is a virtual performance of Michael Jackson. I love this idea, but it doesn't look as real as the animated one for some reason. I am sure as technology keeps progressing the quality will get better and better, and this will become more common. 


I have never heard this song, but I love it. It falls under the dubstep category I think because of the technology to make this song and the beat; but I think his voice sounds reggae and thats why I like it so much. It is really cool to see and here him start the beat of his song from scratch; I think it is a perfect way to demonstrate dubstep and the making of it. To me, what makes songs dubstep is the overlapping of different sounds to make a different beat; a lot of it is digitalized, even the voices. It is a bunch of sounds or beats that are different speeds, and pitches combined together. I have heard dubstep before but I never knew what mad it dubstep other than the sound I got from it; but when I listened to The Prophet Song I realized what was really similar of all these dubstep songs.
At first I couldn't tell why this song was in the dubstep category, but then like half way through I recognized the resemblance. The singer starts singing a sound or word and then the other singers of the group over lap his voice with the same word in a different pitch and speed or a different word, just like the guy in the video before did by himself with the help of technology. I think Flux Pavilion's song I Can't stop would fall into this dubstep category because it uses this same technique of over lapping sounds. The I can't stop echoing throughout and then different beats added on top of it. There are also digitalize sounds that repeat with other beats over lapping them as well. I have seen people perform dubstep live by themselves with only their mouths, no machines. I don't know how they do it but it is impressive. 

Bee Gees

Even thought this song wasn't in my time it brings back memories. Growing up I use to hear this song because my parents would use to listen to it and dance. I always wished that music like this still existed because the dancing that goes along with it looks so fun. Don't get me wrong I LOVE todays music and dancing; I'm the last girl on the dance floor every night. It would just be nice to have experienced this genre of music. In every video to this type of music, everyone looks so happy, no one is grinding, and they always have the coolest dance floors. This video demonstrates how much music has changed and also styles. These men have long hair, wear bellbottoms and vests, and have really high voices; not the norm for our time now. This would not be popular now obviously but back then they had to have been the song played at all the clubs, because I wasn't in that time era but I still know multiple songs by them. Disco songs are just happy songs that make you want to dance. I feel like a lot of songs today are aggressive and it's reflected in peoples actions. I remember I was at a bar and someone requested a specific rap song and the dj said no because it would make people to rowdy, and in the past they were breaking up too many fights. I think with disco songs people are just grooving to the beat, not starting fights at the bar. I think that Michael Jackson's Don't Stop Till You Get Enough, would fit into this category. It has the same rhythm and dance vibe to it, his voice is very high as well. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Worst Music Videos

I looked at this website, it is the 33 worst music videos, and saw a bunch of music videos that I just couldn't watch. Some of them grossed me out, others just were weird and boring. Then I saw this one, Yonkers by Tyler the Creator, I don't know if it is because I like this song or what but I watched it multiple times. What I like about it, is that it is simple but the video effects make it interesting. I like how it has a white background and there are no colors. I also like that some parts of him become blurred, and when they change the blurriness, it goes along with the beat. When it is intense parts like him throwing up or hanging himself at the end, they black him out completely; almost like they are taking his identity away so it isn't as intense/serious; at least this is what I thought about it. I think this video exemplifies how simple is not always boring, and that just doing a couple video effects can change the whole video and make it interesting. 


I could watch videos like this all day; they are so fascinating. All these videos really emphasis how far technology has come. I mean really a projection that follows movement, how cool is that. I don't know how it is done but I want it done to me. This could be really good for advertisement and obviously movies. The fact that this could make your face into anything is so cool, it reminds me of snapchat. The filters on snapchat recognize faces and put effects on them; I could be a lion, koala, or what ever effect they have that day. I could even switch faces with someone next to me or a picture of someones face on my phone. It is truly incredible how far snap chat has come; they have made their app so interesting and easy to use that my parents even use it.

Not only did it remind me of snapchat, but the reason I said it was good for advertisement is because I have seen it use for makeup. Sephora had Kat Von D do a live performance of digital makeup to promote her Kate Von D Beauty. It was brilliant and I could not take my eyes away. This is awesome because before and after photos of people with makeup and without make up is getting boring. With this technology you could show any make up on anyone and present a bunch of different looks in the matter of a minute. Here is the video of Kat Von D:

The Icebox

I have seen projections before, but not like this. First off the backgrounds are made beautifully; I know, after cutting my stencil out very carefully, how hard it is to cut out little objects. It is crazy how they get these videos to fit perfectly in the cut out objects. It seems so real; when the guy has his head near it, it really looks like mini people in this house. This demonstrates video mapping due to the fact that people are placed exactly where they need to be without other images of light around them; positioning of each image is crucial or else the video would not be effective or lifelike. It would be really cool to see a whole short movie done like this; I'm sure there are some already made. I would also like to see a colorful one.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Gilbert and George

I think these two are so funny for some reason. They think that to make art you don't need objects you just make yourself and object; they don't just have a surface, they have an inner soul. They essentially made themselves the art, so they as artists are already the art work. This video is only one of the examples of their artwork. They are suppose to be dancing sculptures; personally I don't see how they are sculptures. If they are sculptures here then if I make a dance to my favorite song with my friend could I be famous? This is performance art to me I just don't think they are being sculptures in this video because they are moving, sculptures don't move, human performers do in my mind. I would still go to see them do this in an art museum though because I think it is extremely funny and entertaining, showing their personality as "sculptures". I do like their idea of them being the artist and the art, and that this is an important part of performance art.

Heather Cassils

I frist watched this video without know anything about Heather Cassils and was really creeped out. I didn't know if she was a girl or boy, I didn't know what the performance was suppose to mean. I thought the person was going to passed out or blow a blood vessel or something. Then I went to Cassils' website and realized Cassils is a transgender. Cassils does work with using the body as a form of social sculpture. I actually appreciate what she does and understand this piece of art better now. This performance is called Hard Times and Cassils is exemplifying the sport bodybuilding. This sport is meant to show off the "perfect body" which isn't evan possible. This causes people in this sport to do anything they need to, to obtain this "perfect body" even if it means starving themselves or taking supplements that are not good for you. So in this performance Cassils is squeezing her muscles so hard, to show the "perfect body", that she is shaking, and she is wearing a mask over her eyes that makes her look like she is rotting; it is suppose to stand for her body or bodybuilder's bodies rotting from the inside out. After reading up on this I think what Cassils is doing is very powerful and a great cause; so many people are stuck on looking perfect that they don't realize all these extremes to obtain this unattainable image is harming their insides.

Performance art

While watching the performance arts in this section I remembered this video I came across. Instead of using animated digital projections like the past videos, the performers use their own shadows as projections and props to tell and emotional story. I love this video because you are not focused on the people you are focused on what they are doing and the story they are telling. When I fist saw this I cried and was so amazed how they made their bodies into all these different props. I had never seen anything like this and I wanted to share it.

Kagemu à Paris

This video is amazing, not only is it showing his physical skills but they are made even more interesting with the digital background. This must have taken a lot of practice and time. They had to make the digital background but also align and time his moves to meet up perfectly with the images. I have no idea how they made this but it is a great combination of art and technology. I have seen these done before and overtime I am amused. There are actually a lot of videos that I love that this reminds me of, here is one :

I thought this was so cool because it switches from them standing up and then them laying on the floor but projected up on the wall. They as well interact with the images projected. They are dancing but a lot of the performance is just interacting with the images. This next one is a little different but still in the same category.
This is so beautiful along with the music. The images aren't only interacted with in front of the screen but also behind the screen. Dance is incorporated throughout the whole thing but there is story behind it. All these videos are just so cool because they are a new type of performance incorporating art and technology.

Art Timeline

This was an interesting approach to showing the timeline of art. They swim through art history. I think it was a little hard to follow and boring to watch at times, but it was cool to actually see how art has progressed through the years; all the way back to prehistoric. I love new art now because it is funky and different but it is so good to see old art. I think I have a lot more appreciation for old art; I feel it looks more original and time consuming. I love paintings from the 17th to 19th century; there is so much detail. I feel like each century had their own styles and just like everything thing else in this world art has changed drastically throughout history.

Michael Schmid

I have no idea if this guy is speaking another language or just making sounds with his mouth. Either way it sounds weird and I don't get it. I know he is remaking someone else work but still, I'm not sure why people would come to see this. It reminds me of beat boxing because I can hear him repeating different sounds. This is definitely a different approach to it but this is the only thing I can relate this performance art to. I is pretty talented some of the noises he makes and how he goes on to do it for about 17 minutes.

Marcel Duchamp

This video shows Marcel Duchamp's Rotary Demisphere which I read about in the time line of his work. In 1925 he created a machine that creates an illusion of simultaneous rotation in opposite directions. When making this he was interested in optics and motion, and published many other designs like this. This definitely influenced other art and is still used today. I thought it was interesting that it was done with words as well, not that I know what they say. The illusion in some of the designs in the end are really trippy and it is hard to even grasp how it was made. The black background helps make the circle pop. I love that this design and concept is still being used and I love to see the old with the new era art, so it made me think of this video I saw recently that resembled this in a new way.
This is art made out of sand and is done live, which I thought was extraordinary. It is obviously more detailed and incorporates a lot of different lines opposed to Duchamp's, but it still creates illusions of simultaneous rotation in opposite directions. I think video along with the other video shows the evolution of art well.

My Grid Art

This is my grid art, it is a smiley face if you can't tell. I wanted to make this piece out of food because I thought it would be really different. Me and my classmate Rachel actually planned it out together. I used super cookies and she used cupcakes. My grid lines are made out of cutting straws in half and taping them down. I used different colored cookies in the grid lines to make a smiley face. To make the smiley face more noticeable I used frosting to draw the eyes and mouth and a piece of cooking in the middle as the nose. Each cookie is held in place with frosting on the bottom of them. The plan was to make a cool unordinary grid while supplying the class with goodies to eat during class.

Post-it Art

I thought this video was neat because it not only falls into this category of grid art but also goes along with the time based media we have previously talked about. This video was made in sort of the same way as the Marcel the Shell video; moving post-its gradually into another shape and taking pictures along the way. These post-its are creating other images, sort of like how the emojis made up Kim K. So this video is combining all these techniques into one video. The more I watch the video the more I realize there had to been a lot of computer work involve as well, because if there were separate shot put together how is the man on the desk with his head down at the end so still. Either way this ad well must have took a lot of time and effort, but shows that with technology and skill you can make about anything come to life.

Is tropical – The Greeks

This video is very entertaining and extremely well made. I have no idea how this video was made with all these effects, but I have never seen anything like it. Everything was real except the violence part. It would be really cool to see a little tutorial of how this was made; well the effects part of it. These kids are scary good at acting. This makes me wonder how are they so good at performing violence? There is definitely a lot of research saying that video games and violence in movies is influencing young kids; I think this could be proof. Since technology has come so far video games and violence in films seems so real, which desensitizes people to it. With these kids knowing how to act out violence so well, probably from seeing it so frequently, it worries me.  Some of the characters in the film die and come back to life, I hope these kids don't take violence lightly and think that could actually happen. Other than that, I am impressed once again on what computers and technology can do.

Emoji Portrait

This is an image of Kim Kardashian made from only emoji symbols. It was made by a rapper names Yung Jake, who has been making portraits of other celebrities as well and tweeting them to his fans. I really enjoy art like this, images made out of smaller images. This is really impressive since it looks just like Kim K without a lot of detail. The shape of her face, the placing of your eyes, nose, and mouth, it is all precise even though she is made out of emojis. I have seen this done with little pictures that make a big picture and it is made by the colors the smaller images make when made really tiny; so then these colors can be grouped together and used to outline and shade the bigger image. With this you look and see each individual emoji and a lot of the colors don't really have to do with the depth of her face, well at least not noticeably; so then how does this look like Kim K? I don't know but it does and it is amazing. 

I have made something similar to this but instead of emojis it is Bob Marley made out of words. I had to bend and morph the words to add dimensions. All the words related to the image and some are just repeated to make dark color. 

Evolution of Typewriters and Televisions

This is pretty cool that there is an exhibit that shows old type writers and television. It would be cool to physically see the evolution of these two and how they were brought together to make computers. To be completely honest I did not know this is how the first computers were made. It is truly amazing to be able to see how far we have come, and see what people where use to back in the day and what is the norm for our generation. I have an old type writer at home and when I was younger I thought it was the coolest thing, and I had been around computers for forever. Being able to physically see this evolution is way more effective than reading about it. I would like to visit this exhibit.

Norway to turn off FM in 2017

This article talks about how Norway will be the first Country to turn off FM Radio in 2017. They are getting rid of FM-radio and switching to only digital radio. I think this is interesting, but I'm not sure I agree with it. This means people will not be able to just have the normal FM radio playing and will be forced to switch over to digital. Digital will be nice because it will have a more of a variety and you will not have to listen to the same songs over and over again. The problem with this is that the older generation is use to the radio and this is what they enjoy/know how to use. Also, I do not think all cars can play digital radio, so everyone with older cars will have to spend a lot of money to upgrade. I mean I would not have a problem with this because I do not listen to the normal radio often but I'm sure there would be a lot of people that had a problem getting rid of the traditional FM-radio stations completely.

Evolution of the Television

This picture shows the evolution of the television. The screen gets bigger and bigger, the frames get smaller and less colorful. I think it is funny that when tv was less prevalent in house holds, and families with tv's all sat around the tv together, the screens where so little. Now just about everyone has a tv, and a lot of people have their own tv and watch tv by themselves and the screens are huge. Just like all other technology television has come a long way; if you were to add onto this timeline of televisions you would have to include the curved TV that is out now. This TV is suppose to make the images more 3D and real. The quality of images on the television are so clear now it is like you are there in the scene. I am glad that we have progressed in this area so much because I enjoy a good movie and appreciate good image quality, I just wish people came together more to watch movies and spent less time watching on their own.


This video blew my mind, I'm not even sure where to start or what to say. The amount of time and effort that had to have been put into making this video is incredible and I couldn't even guess how long it took. I have never seen this "flip book" type of art done this way. Not only did this artist have to draw every new motion of his character, but since it's on buildings and streets he had to erase the previous character's movement with white spray paint before he could draw the new movements. Then on top of that they had to photograph each movement then put them all together and add sound. The images are so interesting and trippy, I could not look away. The movement of the story went from walls to floors, huge to small. It was done so well it seemed real. I especially like the part where the character "eats" real paper of the wall he was drawn on; this was done so perfect I had to keep re watching it to see how it was done. Truly an amazing talent and artistic ability exemplified here along with extreme creativity.

Marcel the Shell

I love this video; I think it is so cute. There are different videos of Marcel the Shell and each one cracks me up laughing. What is so amazing about these videos is the time and effort put in to make it. Obviously the shell is not real and cannot move by itself, so every time the shell moves it is someone stopping the video or picture and changing the position of the shell a little and then taking another picture or recording. It is sort of like the flip books as well but instead of drawing you have the objects and move them little by little for each frame.  I wonder how they got the mouth on the shell though, maybe they drew the different positions of the mouth like a flip book and then put it on top of the video of the shells movements in each frame. I think this was put together amazingly, and was such an interesting idea. I love the shells voice it goes perfectly with his personality, and yes I said personality because they made this shell come to life with this process.

How Walt Disney Cartoons are made

After making the flip book of only 200 pages I appreciate what had to be done to make cartoons back in the day. I always thought about how long it must have took people to make cartoons but never saw it actually done. It is like a long more complicated and detailed process of what we as a class did with the flip books. It is truly amazing to see the effort that is put in and the artistic talent needed. I wish for the flip book I had transparent paper to keep tracing my characters but moving them slightly; this is very effective technique. Not only do they have all these steps for the visual content but they also have to record all the sounds from scratch. Now we have technology that makes creating cartoons much easier but it is so interesting to see how far we have come and how realistic our cartoons and animations look now.