Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Transformation of Hamlet into a Video Game

The opera, Hamlet, is by the French composer Ambroise Thomas and words by Michel Carre and Jules Barbeir in 1868. It is an opera in 5 acts with the characters Hamlet, the prince of Denmark; Claudius, the King of Denmark; Polonius, the Chancellor; Laertes, Polonius’ son; Ghost of Hamlet’s father; Gertrude, who is Hamlet’s mother; and Ophelia, the daughter of Polonius.
In the first Act, the Queen is worried her son Hamlet does not love her since he is upset that she is marring his uncle so soon after his father’s death. Hamlet is later acquainted by his father’s spirit who tells him that he was murdered by the present King, Claudius. Hamlet’s father wishes for revenge for the crime that was committed. In Act two, hamlet tries to get a confession of the Kings crime; he wishes to have a play that re-enacts the murder of his father. Claudius orders for the play to stop, proving he is guilty. Act three portrays Hamlet sparing Claudius’ life because he is praying, and finds out that Polonius was in on the murder of his father. Ophelia, Polonius’ daughter, is suppose to marry Hamlet but he refuses after hearing this information. In act four, Ophelia goes mad from heart break and drowns herself. In The last act, Act five, Hamlet feels bad for how he has treated Ophelia but does not know she is dead. Laertes, returns for his sister’s death and challenges Hamlet to a dual. Hamlet gets wounded but before they can finish the fight Ophelia’s funeral interrupts it, and Hamlet then realizes she is dead. Hamlet’s father’s ghost appears again and reminds Hamlet of his duties; Hamlet kills Claudius.
The game I have come up with has the same characters as the opera; Hamlet, Claudius, Ophelia, Ghost of Hamlets father, some guards, Polonius, Laertes, and Gertrude. I kind of combined a different version of Call of duty, with Tap Tap Revolution, and Temple Run. There are six levels and an option to play easy, medium or hard. The difference from easy to hard is easy is harder to die then if you choose hard.
 In the first level, the player is Hamlet and it takes place in Elsinore Castle in Denmark, where Hamlet is approached by his father’s ghost. He is told he has to help revenge his father’s death by killing Claudius. Then it will take you to the front of the castle where you have to choose between two paths. One will take you to a room where you will find a box; in this box is a variety of different weapons. It only includes weapons from the 1800’s and they will be randomly picked; you can return to this box at anytime to switch your weapons. If you choose the other path you will have to fight a series of guards. It will be almost impossible to beat the guards without a weapon. Once you die you will be taken to the beginning again.  
The next level, after you beat the guards, you will be taken to Hamlet’s mother who will be trying to capture you; if she does capture you, you will be killed with kisses. Without hurting her, you will have to try and get to the theater room. Once you get to the theater room, you will see the play of the murder of Hamlet’s father. While this is happening, you will need to hit the right notes on the piano so that you keep the audience entertained. To do this there will be four sets of piano keys and when they light up you will have to press the right ones as fast as you can. If you miss a note a little bar with the audience happiness level will go down; you are aloud to miss four notes before you fail and the audience leaves. If you pass the play you will see Claudius run out of the play.
The next level will start with Claudius and Polonius talking about how they both worked together to kill Hamlet’s father. While this is happening you will have to try and escape without them seeing you. There will be a highlighted path for you to take, but on this path there will be obstacles that consist of guards you will silently have to kill by breaking their necks or stabbing them.
The next level starts out with you refusing to marry Ophelia. You will then have to chase her dodging trees and boulders that stand in your way. At the end of the chase you see Ophelia jump into the water. You will have to jump in and try to save her in a certain amount of time before you and her die from lack of oxygen; to add to the difficulty there will be a shark swimming after you. You will not be able to save her, she will die.
If you do stay safe away from the shark, you will enter the next level. In this level you are in the cemetery near Ophelia’s grave where you will have to fist fight Ophelia’s brother. Once you beat him, your father’s ghost will appear again and you will have to run back to the castle.  Here you will have to kill Claudius. This is the last level so this will be the hardest level to beat.

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