Tuesday, April 19, 2016


I thought it was interesting learning that the prisons where made in and oval shape so that the guards could see any of the prisoners at anytime. I agree that prisoners should never know when they are being watched so that they make smarter decisions. People that have committed a crime and are in prison, I think have lost their privilege of privacy and deserve to be under high surveillance. When it comes to ordinary people, I do not think it is right to keep them under surveillance when they have not done anything to make them a suspect of any crime. This actually scares me; thinking how powerful the government is and how they could possibly be watching us at any time. It does not scare me because I am doing illegal things, which I'm not, it scares me because I don't know who's watching me or when. There are cameras all around us like laptops, phones, IPads, etc., what if I am changing and someone is watching me through one for those cameras. This surveillance concept on our society now creeps me out; I don't want to have to cover all my cameras when I don't want to be watched. In all I think the U shaped surveillance is effective but principle of always being watched is only effective in certain instances.

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