Thursday, May 5, 2016

3D Print

This is my 3D print; it's a toy chicken with extremely sharp things on his head, not sure what those are called. This is a toy but could potentially be a weapon so be careful children. It was really hard designing this online because I am not familiar with the program, but after I got the hang of it, I was fine. It is really cool that we even have 3D printers, but to say I used one is even cooler. I am happy the way it printed but I wish I didn't have to print in one color and that I made the spikes even bigger. 

New Art and Tech
I presented this to my class because I had never seen it before. Everything at this museum seem technology and art related. One that I took a lot of interest to was the crystal universe; you can change what universe you want to see with this light installation. Check it out.


First I designed my propaganda poster on the computer using Photoshop. I had fooled around with it for a while, making more than one poster. When I finally decided on the one, I went out and bought an small cutting knife and carefully carved out the sections I wanted. This was my first time making a stencil so I printed out more than one copy. I messed up a lot cutting out too much because I forgot everything needed to be attached. Once I was done I painted it onto another sheet of paper being careful to hold all the little pieces down. It was difficult because my pencil was so detailed, I had a lot of small cut outs and they wouldn't stay in place. If I had thicker paper this would have been easier. 

I made Trump into Hitler and chose the saying "fool us once, shame on you; fool us twice shame on us." This meaning that Hitler as a leader fooled a lot of people into following him, and if we fall for Trump leading us we will be fooled twice. I'm not political so do not take offense I just did some research on what other people thought of Trump. 


The advancement in robotics is crazy. Every time I see or read about robots, I think of that movie with Will Smith , IRobot. The way we are progressing with robots, I won't be surprised if they live among us like in that movie. I feel this is a good thing and a bad thing. I don't know how I would feel if I couldn't tell if someone was a robot or not. These robots, in this video, look so real and are only getting more realistic. Also robots are getting smarter, what if they do get a mind of their own and make decisions on their own, start committing crimes. Since robot can not physically feel it would be good to use them for dangerous duties in the military or police force. I think they have the potential to be helpful but it just freaks me out. Maybe I am just paranoid because of the movie.

Interactive Performance
I have seen performances with lights but not quite like this one. This really looks like the dancers are interacting with the lights. I know the section is called interaction but I feel it has to be a projection mapping or some sort of mapping technique. What ever they did to make this, is incredible; it is so interesting and beautiful to watch. They combined so many different dance styles as well. This reminds me of those clear globes with the black ball in the middle that would shoot out like and if you put your finger on the clear glass globe around it the light would be attacked to your hand. Also I found this video of floor LED lighting that when you step on it the light follows.

Blood Printer
I hate veins and getting my blood taken, I cry every time, so this video was hard to watch. The idea is neat and the final product is cool, I just think it is a waste of blood. This is definitely creative but in my mind pointless. There are so many people out there that need blood transplants and hospital are constantly looking for blood donations, but instead this guy prints a picture with his blood. He had to have used a lot of blood making this print. I am curious to how the printer works though, it would be nice to have an explanation on it. People keep creating the weirdest things.


This video honestly creeps me out, maybe it is just the sound of the music. It is crazy that this is even possible to do. I would not go to see this performance because I don't enjoy the music, but I would love for it to be one of my favorite artists that has passed away. Being able to do this is really impressive and beneficial. I'm sure a lot of people would pay good money to see Michael Jackson, Tupac, Bob Marley, etc. perform again, even if it is virtually. I would also go see another animated virtual character if it was performing a different song just because it would be so cool to see and animated figure come to life. The downfall of having animated virtual characters, is that the audience can not interact with them; they aren't real. They can't shake their hangs, give them a hug, or even get and autograph. Another idea is, if you were a performer on tour you could potentially do two tours at once, one virtually and one live. That would be an interesting thing to try out if it hasn't already been tested. 
This is a virtual performance of Michael Jackson. I love this idea, but it doesn't look as real as the animated one for some reason. I am sure as technology keeps progressing the quality will get better and better, and this will become more common.